School A is a well-known K-12 school with a very successful signature program, located in a mid-sized city. The school was considering adding a boarding component to their high school program. The campus was large enough but would require new or remodeled buildings. They engaged us to research ten metro areas within a five-hour drive of the campus for the feasibility of adding a boarding program.
We provided qualitative and quantitative research in order to flesh out the possibilities for this school.
Geographic mapping of current families
Competitive landscape analysis, including pricing and positioning of competitors in all ten metro areas
Campus visit with focus groups including parents, students, faculty, and staff
Demographic projection snapshot of current service area
Psychographic current snapshot of current service area
Demographic projection snapshot of all ten potential service areas
Psychographic current snapshot of potential service areas for day students
Current parent survey (web-based and by phone)
Phone interviews with educational consultants
Attrition survey (web-based and by phone)
Close review of all strategic enrollment management procedures and materials